Group pauses on pass, with Eiger, Monch, and Jungfrau behind. From left:
Laura, Heather, Kelly, Kyle, Dave, Miya. |
Moon rises between Monch and Jungfrau. |
Group rests with friend in front of Lobhorner. |
Group pauses on Schwalmere Pass. From left: Laura, Dave, Andrew, Kelly,
Heather, Kyle. |
Two passes in one day! Group rests on the Kanxel Pass. |
Climbing the switchbacks towards the Sefinenfurke Pass. |
Ho hum, another pass! Group poses on the Sefinenfurke Pass. |
What's that picture on her shirt? Miya poses on the pass. |
Dangerous characters hanging out at Rotstock Hut! |
If we have to carry our rain gear all this way, we're going to wear it even if
the weather is perfect! |
Group has lunch with newfound friend Dean near Spitzhorn. |
Traversing the high path to Obersteinberg. |
I think my toes are going numb! Enjoying the cold water of Oberhornsee.
Group enjoys a restful day after eating blueberries near Schmadribach
falls. |
Posing on the bridge near the lower Schmadribach falls. |
We're on top of Europe! Miya, Kelly, Kyle, Laura, Dave, and Heather pose on
Jungfraujoch. |
Group stands on the glacier, in front of the Jungfrau. From left: Andrew,
Kyle, Kelly, Dave, Laura, and Heather. |
Traffic jam in the Jungfraujoch Ice Palace! |
Where is that trail? Waiting for guidance by the Milibach. |
Group contemplates the still grey waters of Bachsee. |
Kelly and Dave on the move to the Faulhorn, with Bachsee behind. |
Group looks over Interlaken. We've got to hike all the way down
there? |
We've come full circle! Group relaxes after returning to
Wilderswil. |
We hiked how far? Checking out the map after dinner in Hotel
Steinbock. |